*The original cemetery was established May 15, 1851 by the Oconomowoc Cemetery Association. This first cemetery, called Oconomowoc Cemetery was along Walnut Street between Wisconsin Avenue and the Norwegian Bridge in what is now a residential and commercial area. Burials were made there until 1864, when it was decided that a larger area would be required for the cemetery. A new site was selected and named La Belle Cemetery. All of the owners of lots in Oconomowoc Cemetery were given lots in the new cemetery in exchange and the bodies were relocated to La Belle Cemetery. The old cemetery was sold in January, 1865.
Since the relocation to La Belle Cemetery, there have been many reported ghost sightings, the most popular of them being a young girl who steps down from her tombstone to drown herself in the lake. This statue is very popular with the local ghost tales surrounding the very old cemetery. Not only has she been spotted drowning herself in lake, but there have been claims that they have seen her hands bleed [stigmata] and that if you ask to be judged she will judge you pretty harshly, making you go blind if you are a bad person.
Many people visit the statue and they believe the eyes stare at them and fallow as they walk away. I did notice that the way the statue is carved that she does appear to look at you and the eyes do seem to fallow you, but I do not feel that this is supernatural in anyway. People leave coins n her hands.. and i did see many coins in her hands when we went. I did not witness her walking into the lake or stigmata of any kind. I didn't even see traces of blood if she had ever had one.
The cemetery is a very beautiful and old cemetery with many interesting tombstones to see, even if I doubt that these ghost sightings ever happened I did enjoy the cemetery and the tale.
The photos of the statue.
*Taken from Links To The Past
Oct 24, 2011
Oct 6, 2011
Spooky shows to see in Chicago !
Just a quick update on events happening around the area that are worth seeing this year, in the spirit of all things Halloween related!
If you are interested in seeing Sweeney Todd this October- the musical that inspired the wonderful film, you can see it now until October 9th playing at the Dury Lane Theater in Chicago. They have several Matinee and evening viewings throughout the week, and prices vary on seating.
Here is the link for further information:
Another great show will be coming to Chicago in December, The Addams Family! The musical will be preformed at the beautifully restored Cadillac Palace Theater in Chicago [shortly after Puscifer plays, which I am SUPER excited to see, any other Maynard fans read this blog??!] I am also excited to see this musical since I have been a very big fan of all things Addams Family for YEARS! I also LOVE Nathan Lane who is preforming in the musical! The show opens Dec. 13th and runs till the end of the month. Tickets are $80-$167 depending on seating.
Here is link to more information about the show: http://www.chicago-theater.com/theaters/cadillac-palace-theater/the-addams-family.php
Hope you are enjoying this Halloween season everyone! I will have some more Ghost related blogs to post on here shortly! Tomorrow my husband and I will be visiting Shakers Haunted Bar for the Ghost Tour, [Link to story: http://monstermobsters.blogspot.com/2011/09/shakers-cigar-bar.html] so I will have plenty of spooky tales to tell you, if we survive the night! ;)
Also, don't forget that great horror musicals are not the only fun things to do while in Chicago, and though Milwaukee has its fair share of ghost tales and tours, you can also take a ghost tour while you are in Chicago! Here is link to my blog entry about what is available in the city: